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A letter to congressional staffers

  • By Publius

Dear congressional staffers,

I am sure you've been watching the attacks on federal employees in the Executive Branch, including the erosion of our protections and the outright illegal adverse actions taken against us over the last... oh my, has it really only been a month? So far, you have been spared, but make no mistake: They are coming for you next.

You might think that because you're in the Legislative Branch, you'll be insulated from the attacks leveled against us. But this administration, along with members of Congress, are already looking to weaken federal employee benefits across all 3 branches of the government, including: requiring employees to pay more into pensions while the government pays out less to pension recipients and paying out a smaller share of health insurance premiums.

This is just the beginning. More cuts are sure to come. More attacks and insults and lies will follow. And once they have decimated our corps, they will come for yours.

But it doesn’t have to happen like this. The halls of Congress do not run without you.

So, We the Builders is reaching out to ask you to speak with your members and remind them that they are not powerless.

Remind them that they do not have to sit back and passively observe the willful destruction of the administrative state.

Remind them that the people being hurt are civil servants, just like them. Civil servants who are here because we love our nation and the people in our communities. Remind them that we are also their constituents. And we are under attack.

The administration is setting up their next moves. Please stand up, raise your voices in dissent, and hang together with the employees of the Executive Branch—or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

Your partners in service,

We the Builders